Legion of Mary San Mateo County Comitium
Legion of Mary San Mateo County Comitium
Forms and Resources
Functions and Announcements
Annual Summer Function - 2022
Annual General Reunion 2022
ACIES 2022 - Memories
ACIES 2023
Centenary Celebration
In Memory of Our Deceased Legionaries
If Mary Were But Known
True Devotion To Mary
Tratado DevociĆ³n
Consecration to Saint Joseph
The Legion of Mary and its Object
Our Apostolic Works
Founder of the Legion of Mary
Patron Saints of the Legion of Mary
Prayer System
Society of the Patricians
Study Resources
The Legion During the Pandemic
San Mateo Comitium
Spiritual Director
South San Mateo Curia
SMC Spanish Curia
You are Invited to Join!
Why I Love the Legion!
Junior Membership
"I am all thine, my Queen and Mother, and all that I have is thine."
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Have mercy on us.