Welcome to the Legion of Mary
San Mateo County Comitium

On behalf of all the officers and members of the San Mateo County Comitium (Legion of Mary). I would like to welcome all of you to our website. With fervent prayer, I ask Our Lady to strengthen every one of us in our commitment towards the fulfilment of the object of the Legion of Mary - that of our own sanctification and the salvation of souls through prayers, a sacramental life and apostleship. Our lives are filled with many challenges, but nothing greater than having been called to a missionary life amidst our already busy lives of taking care of the needs of our loved ones. How does the Legion fit in? How can we truly serve God completely? How do I manage my priorities? These are questions that I have asked myself many times and found that the answer lies in complete trust on Our Blessed Mother and the words of our Lord Jesus. If we put God first, then everything else will be 'added unto to us.' These are not empty promises - for I have seen it happen to me and to many others who have worked unconditionally towards the salvation souls. Thus, I would like to welcome you to a life of love and service to Jesus through the protection and guidance of Our Lady. Rest assured that everything you have done for the love of God and neighbor are known to Our Lady and are kept by her so that on the day when we have to account for our life's works before our judge, she will be there presenting to her Son, all the good we have done for Him (and much more)! She is Our Gate to heavenly glory. Keep on.
Sister Lorna Garcia - President, San Mateo County Comitium.